Final Fantasy 16: The Rising Tide DLC Will Receive New Details at PAX East on March 22

In December last year, Square Enix announced two expansions for Final Fantasy 16, with the first, Echoes of the Fallen being shadow-dropped at the time, and the second, The Rising Tide, set for a Spring 2024 launch, and with Spring not too far away now, new details on the latter are set to be shared next month.

Square Enix has announced a Final Fantasy 16 panel for PAX East under a month from now, on March 22, at 8:30 AM PDT. The panel will be attended by producer Naoki Yoshida, The Rising Tide director Takeo Kujiraoka, and localization director Michael-Christopher Koji Fox, all of whom will be discussing the upcoming expansion.

What exactly their discussions will entail and whether we can expect concrete new details on the expansion and when it will release remains to be seen, but given its Spring 2024 launch window, one would assume late March would be a good time to talk more about the DLC.

The Rising Tide’s announcement trailer in December revealed that players would be travelling to a new location in the form of Mysidia – a name that series fans will be familiar with – while the Eikon Leviathan will also finally be folded into the story. The aforementioned Kujiraoka has previously also confirmed that The Rising Tide will be 10 hours long.

Final Fantasy 16 is available for PS5. Read our review of the game through here. A PC version is in development, while leaks have claimed that the action game is also in the works for Xbox Series X/S.

Meanwhile, Final Fantasy fans also have Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth to look forward, which launches for PS5 on February 29. Read our review of the game through here, where we awarded it a score of 10/10, calling it one of the best Final Fantasy games to date.

What secrets will surface from the depths at #PAXEast?

Join producer Naoki Yoshida, DLC director Takeo Kujiraoka, and localization director Michael-Christopher Koji Fox as they discuss The Rising Tide.

This panel will also be livestreamed at

— FINAL FANTASY XVI (@finalfantasyxvi) February 23, 2024
